4634 S 3rd Street,
Louisville, KY 40214
Wednesday - Thursday | 10:00 - 6:00
Friday and Saturday | 10:00 - 8:00
Sunday | 10:00 - 3:00
We are volunteer run and unfortunately sometimes are unable to open during our stated hours, please help us achieve full volunteer coverage by signing up to volunteer!
Contact Us
Thanks to the Courier-Journal for their beautiful coverage of The Rosewater!
Read the full article here.
Accessibility Statement: Unfortunately, since we don’t own our building, we’re limited in the accessibility accommodations we can provide, but want to make sure that customers have an understanding of what to expect before visiting.
The Rosewater does not have a dedicated parking lot. There is street parking on Woodlawn with no dedicated disabled parking spaces on the street. To get into the bookstore, there are 3 steps with a railing on a grassy slope leading from the sidewalk to the lawn and 6 steps with a railing from the lawn to the main level of the store. Inside, there are 6 steps with no railing from the first level to the second level, which houses the children's room, restroom, romance and mystery sections.
If you are unable to make it into the store but would like a staff member to look for specific books for you, please submit a request using the Contact Form above. Please list any accessibility requirements in the last question on the form.